Kerken in Oekraïne hebben in brieven hun medeleven betuigd met de slachtoffers van het verschrikkelijke drama met vlucht MH17. Patriarch Sviatoslav van de Oekraïns Grieks-Katholieke Kerk spreekt in een brief aan ambassades van ‘doordrongen van de grote pijn van de misdaad, wil ik mijn hartelijke condoleances aanreiken aan de rouwdragenden en hen verzekeren van onze gebeden en verbondenheid in hun verdriet, wat ook ons verdriet is’. Ook aartspriester Georgy Kovalenko van de Oekraïnse Orthodoxe Kerk (Patriarchaat Moskou) en aartsbisschop Yevstratiy (Patriarchaat Kiev) hebben in persverklaringen hun condoleances verwoord.
De Raad van Kerken stuurde eerder een brief aan de All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organisations. Daarop was kort voor het drama met het verkeersvliegtuig ook een reactie gekomen, we doen daarover elders bericht. De reactie was ondertekend door dezelfde patriarch Sviatoslav van de Oekraïns Grieks-Katholieke Kerk, zijn reactie is opgesteld namens zijn kerk.
Hieronder volgt de Engelse tekst van de Oekraïns Grieks-Katholieke Kerk gericht aan de ambassades:
Patriarch Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) on behalf of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church has expressed condolences to the families and friends of those killed in the plane in Donetsk region and urged the international community to do everything possible to stop armed aggression against Ukraine. This is stated in his letter to the ambassadors of foreign countries, that was published by the Information Department of the UGCC.
“The terrible news came from eastern Ukraine, where the terrorists shot down a Boeing 777 aircraft Malaysian Airlines with 298 people on board. By the hundreds of victims of military aggression against Ukraine the innocent lives of citizens from other nations, including those in your country, were joined. This tragedy has once again shown that the evils which in recent months torn the body of our people, is the real threat to peace and security throughout the world.
Permeated with great pain about the crime, I express heartfelt condolences to the bereaved, assuring them of our prayer and intimacy with them in their grief, that is our grief. “Merciful God, receive in your arms the souls of innocent victims, shelter them in the homes of the righteous, worthy of eternal peace and bliss!”.
All our Church prays for the eternal rest of innocent victims. We remain in prayerful communion with the families of those lost and all suffering from this tragedy.
We call on the entire international community to do everything possible to stop armed aggression against Ukraine, to restore peace and prevent similar tragedies in the future. We ask the merciful God the gift of lasting peace for Ukraine and the whole world. “
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Hieronder volgt de persverklaring van de Oekraïnse Orthodoxe Kerk (Patriarchaat Moskou en patriarchaat Kiev):
Archpriest Georgy Kovalenko of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate and Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zorya), of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church -Kiev Patriarchate expressed their condolences on the crash near Donetsk, which killed 295 people. The press conference in Kiev began with a minute of silence for the victims of the attack.
“How the crash will affect the situation in the country – is a matter for politicians; for the believers the matter is – to pray. I express my sympathy on behalf of all Ukrainian Orthodox Church, from all religious communities in Ukraine to those affected, the families and relatives of the dead “- thus started the speech of the Chairman of the Synodal Information Department of the UOC (MP), Archpriest Georgy Kovalenko.
His words are supported by the head of information management of the Kyiv Patriarchate, Archbishop Yevstratiy (Zorya). He said that, unfortunately, we begin to get used to the many victims which we should not.
“This is a terrible tragedy. I immediately tried to apply this terrible number of victims to better understand it. Our Theological Academy has 150 students, so the number of those killed – are (much more than) a whole of the academy. When the first victims fell on Maidan, we all know them by name. And now in the news more often we see only numbers. We ask God that he will give spiritual strength and peace for those who suffered this loss. This brought sorrow to those of whom we did not expect that at all. It makes everyone think about where the truth is and where not “- he said.
Both spokesmen expressed the hope that such a tragedy will never happen again.
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Er zijn via relaties (onder wie prof. dr. Heleen Zorgdrager, die in Kiev doceert) en rechtstreeks allerlei persoonlijke reacties binnengekomen. Hieronder een bloemlezing.
We were here very shocked yesterday to hear about that tragedy, that happened in the evening. And still we can’t overcome it and can’t believe that it is true. It’s very painful to think about all those families who will never get back their beloved ones. It’s not fair to suffer because of others irresponsibility. Such thing should never happen again!
We are praying for the people in Netherland and other countries to stay strong in spirit. We are trying not to loose our hope that truth will win.
Please accept my condolences. May all of the victims rest in peace.
En een tweede:
We are in mourning today – these people are victims of the war we have here . For us they are the part of it and we mourn them as we mourn our boys and men killed each day in East Ukraine. I cannot imagine what a tragedy for their families it is…
En een derde:
It is us who should send condolences to your country… R.I.P. This tragedy indeed shows that there are no more far away countries and far away people, we are all connected and fragile.
Determined to join all forces for peace.
En een vierde:
We are deeply sorry that your country also became a part of this bloody war where ukrainians every day loosing their best sons and daughters. Every war at Europe is so close to everybody. Hope together we could stop the Russian terrorists. Let those people rest in peace!
En een vijfde:
If nothing else, #MH17 proves that there are no more far away countries of which we know little. Everything is connected. Europe is small.
So we are connected with you in thoughts and prayers, and determined to join all forces for peace.
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