Edinburgh live volgen

Inmiddels is de zendingsconferentie Edinburgh 2010 begonnen. De ontmoeting wordt gehouden ter herinnering aan het feit dat precies honderd jaar geleden er ook een grote internationale conferentie plaatsvond in de Schotse hoofdstad. Mensen die de voortgang van de besprekingen en activiteiten willen volgen kunnen dat doen via internet, twitter en andere social media.

De organisatie schrijft daarover aan de Raad van Kerken in Nederland. Vanaf de openingssessie op 3 juni 11.00 uur denkt men consequent online te werken. We geven de informatie bij dezen door.

From 2-6 June a centenary conference is taking place in Edinburgh, UK. Parallel to this conference a plethora of workshops, events and services, are being organised by local churches and organisations. Follow the conference online, discuss and study crucial mission topics, or set up you own event commemorating the centenary.

You will be able to join the conversation in real time, as relevant statements from delegates and exciting developments from working groups are shared on our Twitter feed and website. You are invited to follow this live stream of reporting by following @edinburgh2010 on Twitter, or by visiting the Study Process pages of our website, where the updates will be collected and filtered by Theme.

Live reporting begins on Thursday 3 June during the opening plenary session, “Mission in Long Perspective,” at 11:00 AM, British Summer Time. Please also share in these developments by sharing your thoughts with us on Twitter or by commenting on our website’s Study Process pages. Finally, there is a Facebook page dedicated to the conference, linked to events and discussions: the group’s name is “Edinburgh 2010 – Witnessing to Christ Today.”

On Sunday 6 June, our delegates will be joined by up to 900 additional guests for a celebration and overture to 21st century mission. The event will be streamed live on our homepage, http://www.edinburgh2010.org. We invite you to participate in the many other upcoming events taking place around the world – an event listing can be found at http://www.edinburgh2010.org/en/events/other2010projects.html. Or join us in spirit at your local church services on Sunday the 6th. Don’t forget to share your unique perspectives, liturgies, and prayers with us!